10/10/2018 I would like to swipe right on your book: Trying to get in with Sad Laughter by Brian Alan EllisIt's like the Dating Game, only way hotter. I'm Janie and I'm trying to date your new book. In this case, I'm trying to get in with Sad Laughter: A Totally Unessential and Demotivational Guide to Reading, Writing, and Publishing by Brian Alan Ellis and published by the always brilliant Civil Coping Mechanisms. According to Sad Laughter's Tinder bio, it's all about [how] "Writing is like trying to make sense of an inside joke you have with yourself but haha joke’s on you ’cause the joke is more sad than funny." Since I love a sense of humor coupled with a futile sense of despair, I'm basically already about this book (along with most of the author's other work). Let's Dating Game this motherfucker:
Q. If your book was a reality television show, what would its premise be? A. A writers retreat where instead of writing, the writers just sit around eating different flavors of Doritos while listlessly watching each other take turns trying to beat really hard NES games like Contra 2 and Kid Icarus. Q. Speaking of reality television, what is your book’s Real Housewives tagline? A. The Real Housewives of a Constant and Pervading Existential Void. Q. What is the crux of your book’s intimacy issues? A. Sad Laughter says, “How can you be upset that your short stories get rejected when you’re constantly rejecting love?” How can you be upset that your short stories get rejected when you’re constantly rejecting love?
Q. If your book was an appetizer, which one would it be? A. Sad Laughter would be an Applebee’s Classic Combo Platter. Q. Sun sign? Moon sign? Rising sign? A. Johnny Cage / Scorpion / Sub-Zero Q. If your book was an Olympian what would it be for? Would it medal? A. Like WWE legend Kurt Angle, Sad Laughter would win a gold medal with a “broken freakin’ neck!” Q. We love you, Sad Laughter, no question period the end. A. Sad Laughter loves you back. *wink* Go support innovative and prose and poetry and pick up Sad Laughter. Go support our boy and by extension all bossin' indie lit making a difference in this big bad world.
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