11/8/2023 Eliot S. KuBlumenkäse
On some dark day when there is a downpour I will invite you to my peanut butter house stacked upon the knees of bald cypress trees in the swamp. You will hear me waiting for you amidst the frogs and insects shrieking outside my warm abode, my melorheostotic bones weeping like candles on the porch steps made from the scrap wood of drowned canoes and derelict playhouses. And I will receive you in my single room lit by a jar filled with lightning bugs, where you can shed your wet clothes, dry off with a fresh towel, and change into anything you want. Then I will share with you a wedge of my favorite cheese. It is a riddle on the tongue and splashed with primary colors- cornflower, marigold, and rose- like the war paint of rodeo clowns. Afterward, our bellies full, we will lie down on the earth matted with lost feathers and shed snake skins and listen to the rise and fall of each other’s breath. We will drift off into a starless slumber where everything is just as wondrous, while the lightning bugs die off one by one.
11/8/2023 09:34:58 am
Wonderful writer, would love to see more of his work
Nathaniel Parker
11/8/2023 09:36:19 am
After reading this repeatedly, I found myself immersed in every word you layed out. Well done
Jonah P
11/10/2023 09:36:32 am
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